Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Trying to get organized so I can be organized

It has been a while since checking in here on the blog.  I wanted to post some information about a new project.  Since I mostly have it done, I'll let you in on it now.  I have what those with sewing machines call "a stash".  A stash can drive you nuts if it is not organized.  It doesn't take long to build up a pile of assorted fabrics.

Not long ago I was reading on another blog, SmashedPeasNCarrots - http://smashedpeasandcarrots.blogspot.com/2010/11/mini-fabric-bolts-and-some-studio.html, about how she organized her stash.  I believe she is the first person to post the idea on her blog. She purchased comic book boards at her local comic book store to fold her stash pieces.  The boards are acid free and great for holding the folded fabric.  If you go to her blog you will see her
h u g e stash.  She also has an Etsy shop: SmashedPeasNCarrots.etsy.com

Here are my before and after photos.  No real big deal, but it helps me a lot when I want to start a new sewing project.  And it is nice to look at!


And here is after:

My shelves will not hold the fabric boards upright, so I just stack them with the folded edge plainly in sight.  There were 100 boards in the package, and I used every one!  This is about all my fabric, but I'm going to order more boards: Amazon.com - $12 for 100.

That's about it for now, folks.

I have to get my tax information in order for the tax lady.
Oh, and by the way, here is my Etsy shop: RenesBags.etsy.com
AND here is my new retro shop: ReneesRetro.etsy.com
