Monday, September 24, 2012

Autumn Cover Up

I so like the Summer when we can feel free with very light clothing when outside.  But it does not take long for me to "freeze" when the cooler weather now.  To minimize outer wear, I go with a cape.  And this cape pattern is wonderful because it actually has draping that cape up and down your arms.  The sleeves are very loose fitting as is the whole cape.  Since I live in the South West, I wear capes all winter.

I made this medium chocolate brown version, and it's listed for sale at,  One size fits most and totally right for cool mornings, evenings and daytime. Casual and an easy pick-me-up for that quick trip to the store.

I like wearing the cape and made two for myself last season.  One is a camel or buckskin color and the other is a kitty cat print. No matter which one I wear, there will always be someone somewhere who gives a compliment.  I almost gave it to a lady in a doctor's office waiting room who was there for her cancer treatments, too.  The poor lady loved the cape and looked like she needed a hug that I know the cape would have provided. The cape is so cuddly and warm, and yet it is airy and not to hot.

Until the next time,
(Just in case you are wondering, my cancer has been gone for 4 years!)

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